Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

When did it become acceptable for us to live in a society that enjoys hating on other people?

For the past few years, we have witnessed the slow slander of a musician who has done nothing wrong.

She has not committed a crime. She has not exposed herself in a lewd manner. She does not have a sex tape making her famous.

So why has there been a constant slander towards a girl who has done nothing but good things in the public (and private) eye?

In a world embracing equality and kindness, why are so many people choosing to do the opposite to a perfectly innocent girl who has in the media’s view, ‘dated’ many guys and writes about it? Isn’t this hypocritical?

Last time I checked, all musicians write about their life experiences and are not vilified for it. It is truly laughable that people focus on her songs in this way when they do not do it for others.

Taylor Swift represents solid values. She is the type of celebrity that you should want your little girl looking up to. She is who she is, but she still remembers the influence she holds on impressionable young fans the world over because she is a public figure.

She actually gives a shit about her fans, treating a select few to secret sessions before her ‘1989’ album launched, continually writing to fan messages through her social media sites, and even sending some of them early Christmas presents in the past week! Add to this, the fact that she has her people pick fans out of the crowd during her concerts for a meet and greet after the show-it happened to the two little girls sitting next to me. What a LOVELY person she is!

I have been a fan of Taylor since ‘Love Story’ was released in 2008, which only heightened when her ‘Speak Now’ album launched. I fell in love with a song that was included on this called ‘Enchanted’, naming my own website ‘Enchanted Serendipity’ in large part because of this song’s brilliance.

Taylor Swift & Her Banjo

Taylor Swift & Her Banjo

When Taylor toured Australia in March 2012 for her ‘Speak Now Tour’, parting with more than $100 to see her in concert was not even an issue for me. I even dragged my sister along even though she wasn’t familiar with all her songs. What we saw was a mind boggling performance of a multi-talented musician who could play a variety of instruments live and truly entertain; making her 2 hours or so on stage worth every penny! Not since Bryan Adams a few years before, have I witnessed such talent and ability to woo a crowd for that long! It was an incredible show for an amazing album. I didn’t think it could get better than this!

Taylor Swift in Concert

Taylor Swift in Concert

The release of her album ‘Red’ in late 2012 completely blew me away and turned me into an uber fan. The visualization that these songs produced was amazing. Here was a collection of just beautiful music. Yes, everyone wanted to guess ‘which song was written for this person’ and so forth, but this was GREAT music, that was completely CATCHY…‘We Are Never Getting Back Together’ is SO catchy it is insane! I will never be sick of listening to it. ‘Red’ truly gave us music that any person could enjoy, that did not need to be censored.

With lyrics like ‘All Too Well’s:
“Hey, you call me up again just to break me like a promise
So casually cruel in the name of being honest”


Holy Ground’s:
“And I guess we fell apart in the usual way
And the story’s got dust on every page
But sometimes I wonder how you think about it now.
And I see your face in every crowd”

These lyrics are heartfelt and honest and just beautifully written. I had all of the songs on repeat for weeks! The 15 year olds I was teaching at the time did too!

In December that year, I was in the crowd on New Years Eve in Times Square. We had a heap of awesome musicians playing, but with 30 minutes to midnight…Swift took the house down. She had everyone dancing and singing to her performance which after waiting 13 LONG hours, I forgot for a moment about the back pain I had been experiencing by having to stand for so long, just by listening to her!

Taylor Swift NYE in Times Square

Taylor Swift NYE in Times Square

The release of her latest album ‘1989’ was a true waiting game, but finally the day arrived and it was widely received as a moment of significance for the country star leaving the genre for a complete pop career move.

This album has been playing on my ipod since it was released with ‘Blank Space’, ‘Bad Blood’, ‘Shake It Off‘, ‘Wildest Dreams’ and ‘All You Had To Do Was Stay’ consistent favourites. It is THAT good! I always feel like listening to this.

The best part about this album is that it holds so much of what I love about ‘RED’; but even more so this release continues to show how brilliant this girl is at writing songs and creating music that sounds GOOD.

Her first song release ‘Shake It Off’ is still stuck in people’s head (even Steve Carell’s, if you saw the clip from Popcorn). She is rivaling the likes of music legends with this release, selling more than 1 million copies in its first week and hitting 2 million within 3 weeks of its release. In a time of music pirating…she is actually SELLING albums and breaking records over 10 years old!

With strong early single choices accompanied with music videos which were launched prior to the album’s release, every song just made you want more. It is little wonder so many people bought this album the minute it came out!

Considering where Taylor Swift is right now, and the brilliance she has as a musical artist I am dumbstruck by the hate that she is thrown by the public and the media.

Hasn’t she proven her worth yet? She is only 24 years old and still can’t cut a complete break. People are going to happily pay money to buy a selfie book of Kim Kardashian? WHAT? The world’s priorities do not make sense to me anymore.

I will continue to love Taylor Swift, even as I enter my 30s next year. With so many celebrities famous for really no reason at all, it is refreshing to see someone like her relishing in this industry and proving the negativity wrong. She deserves her fame because she is actually talented!

Taylor Swift in Concert

Taylor Swift in Concert

Just keep shaking it off and forget the haters Taylor.

Eventually, they will see what the rest of us do-that you’re brilliant and worthy of everyone’s respect.

Already counting down to the next album which will no doubt be just as brilliant as the rest!

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